Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What would you do?

I've been mulling over a situation that, as it turns, isn't a situation after all, but could have been. While glancing at profiles on an online dating site, I came across a picture that looked just like a friend of mine. A friend who is in a committed relationship. Fortunately, I was able to get access to additional pictures associated with that profile, so I was able to verify that it is not my friend, but it's left me wondering. The primary picture on the profile looked just like her!!!!

What would you do if you found a friend on an online dating site, one whose relationship status would make looking for a date seem a bit shady?


jo(e) said...

Me being the tactful type, I'd probably send the friend an email saying, "Look what I found on the itnernet! WTF are you doing?"

JM said...

Ditto jo(e).

Linda said...

Okay. Let me complicate the situation. The only e-mail address you have is for a joint e-mail account that her partner uses regularly. Ditto the phone number. Then, what?

jo(e) said...

Are you saying there would be no way to talk to the friend privately? Without a partner listening in?

That's as much of a red flag as the photo on the dating site.

So first things first. I'd email the friend and say, "When are you going to set up your own gmail account? Want me to send you an invitation?"

JM said...

the hell? they're not separate people? yeah, that's a big red flag. I'd look for a date, too.

Linda said...

No, I don't mean to imply a red flag. I mean to suggest these aren't close friends, so I have limited contact info, and what contact info I have is more connected to her partner, because her partner is the one of the two I know best.

Unknown said...

In that case, I'm really glad it wasn't that person.

jo(e) said...

If the person isn't a close friend, not someone I know well and talk to often by phone or email or in person, I'd shrug and just ignore the whole thing, figuring it was none of my business.

Cathy said...

What Jo(e) said on the last comment

Anonymous said...

dang! you found me? i so thought I'd covered my tracks!!!

Actually, what I'd do is send her an email asking her to give me a call. I need her help with something. She'll figure it out right away would be my guess.

Marie said...

I'd probably do what jo(e) said and leave it be. But seriously, who SHARES and email account? People do that? (I'm just sitting here contemplating that I find it completely non-threatening that mine and K's finances are inextricable but that I'd be seriously freaked out if she wanted to share an email account.)