Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Commiserate wtih me

Eleven hours after waking up today, I've achieved the primary goal I had for the day: get home and go to bed. I woke up with every joint and muscle in my body aching and my chest feeling like someone has taken a vice grip to it. It's that stuff that makes it hurt to raise your pinkie, you know, the flu. Unfortunately, I was 250 miles and two meetings with prospective students away from home.

So I got through the meetings, drove the miles, dropped things off at the office, returned the rental car (a Mazda 3, NOT a Mazda 5, thank you!), and changed the sheets on the bed, and now here I lay with a warm, purring cat next to me, ready to crash for the day.

So why am I blogging? Because apparently the only thing I hate worse than feeling like crap is not having anyone to commiserate with me in my agony.

What good is a blog if you can't use it to drum up all the sympathy you need in such circumstances?


Anonymous said...

Oh, LInda that totally sucks! I'm glad that PPBob is there to commiserate. Too bad she probably can't cook you chicken soup. Well, if she could, you probably wouldn't want to eat it anyway. Feel better.

Pilgrim/Heretic said...

Much sympathy!

J said...

I'm glad you're back safe and sound and in bed. Do you need anything? Fresh bread, perhaps?

thewayseeker said...

Hope you slept well and are feeling much better this morning.

jo(e) said...

Sympathy from me!

Unknown said...

I agree with your blog use. And you have my sympathy!!

Linda said...

Thanks, everyone. PPBob isn't much help. She thinks I came home to play fetch.

NE/ME said...

Hope you are feeling better today. I had the flu two years ago and I had gotten the shot. It was horrible. I hope yours is short-lived. And I understand your wanting some "tea and sympathy". Stay bundled up, rest and drink lots of fluids!