Friday, January 25, 2008

Another day, another year, a little wiser

My alarm went off at 5:00 this morning. I had planned to run, but when I let the dogs out (I'm housesitting for friends), I saw that it was wet outside. A few minutes later, I heard tapping on the windows and looked out to see that we are getting sleet and freezing rain. I guess the time I had planned to spend running will now be spent driving slooowwwwly to work. It's too bad. I really wanted to run.

I turned 43 this morning. When I checked e-mail, I found an e-card from the Yankee with pictures she took herself, all of them with a button that says, "Today is my birthday." Fabulous! Yesterday's mail brought me a card from Katherine. I mention these because I find it remarkable that they both remembered. I'm not particularly good at that sort of thing, but I'm grateful for people who are.

A friend at work is taking me to lunch. Later in the day, I'm having coffee with another friend. The big celebration, though, will be Sunday night. I decided to plan my own celebration this year, a step which is intended to be a deliberate stance against self-consciousness. Some of my friends will meet me for dinner at a local restaurant. It'll be a great time!

And as always, feel free to party here today! Nothing like a good blog party to celebrate a birthday!
Updated (8:30 a.m.): When the celebrating is done, remind me to tell you about my observations on Unitarians trying to have a discussion about "evil." And some new thoughts on call.

Oh, and about how I nearly set the church on fire last night.


JM said...

happy birthday!

Yankee T said...

Glad you liked the card! Happy, happy day! See you soon!

jo(e) said...

Happy Birthday!

jo(e) said...

Oh, and I definitely want to hear the story about how you almost set the church on fire.

Some people will do ANYTHING for good blog material ....

Unknown said...

Have a very Happy Birthday!!!

Pilgrim/Heretic said...

Ooo! Setting things on fire sounds like a good way to celebrate. Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

happy happy day!

Kathryn said...

Oh Linda - did I know? I'm so sorry if I forgot. Hope you have a lovely day - and yes, please advise on how best to set fire to churches...WonderfulVicar and I might just be glad to know :-) xx

Jan said...


Anonymous said...

happy birthday. I hope PPBob got you something....a hairball perhaps? The best is yet to be!

thewayseeker said...

Happy belated birthday!!!

What Now? said...

Happy birthday! And blessings to you in the year to come.

Linda said...

Thanks, everyone! It was a great day!

Rev Dr Mom said...

Happy birthday...and hope this is a great year.

Marie said...

Happy birthday, a little late!!