Monday, August 13, 2007

Seen on a truck at a local eatery

The following phrase was seen spray-painted on the back of a truck at a local Mexican restaurant:

Thudbutt Doobies

It's raised a lot of curiosity around here. Any guesses what it means?


PPB said...

I would be scared to comment.

Jan said...

I have no idea, but would love to know! Please post if you find out.

jo(e) said...

Well, doobie in the singular means marijuana, but in the plural, doobies are breasts.

And Thudbutt is a character in the Steven Spielberg movie Hook -- he's the heavyset Lost Boy.

So someone was about to write a poem about Thudbutt's breasts, but got only as far as the title?

spookyrach said...

Ha ha ha! Jo(e), you are the master!

Linda said...

Is anyone else surprised that Jo(e)'s the one making references to pop culture to explain this? :)

Yankee T said...

jo(e)-you are unreal!

KLee said...

I was thinking along different lines. I used to have some stoner friends, and when they smoked "doobies", all they did was sit around, hence the "thud" of a butt hitting a chair or sofa. Ergo, thudbutt doobies: doobs so mind-blowing, all you can do is sit.

But then again, I had weird friends.

Anonymous said...

so do you think this was advertising, as in, here, for sale, I've got the greatest thudbutt doobies?

jo(e) said...

Oh, I don't really know much about pop culture, since I never watch television, but I have a houseful of college students and teenagers, and so I just yelled out and asked all of them.

I have to say that I like Klee's explanation.