Thursday, April 26, 2007

A word of truth

I think my cat has taught me a valuable lesson here lately. Tonight when I got home from a long day, she climbed in my lap and snuggled with me. I didn't have to ask her to do that. There weren't any long dramatic arguments with her to explain to her my needs, like there were on a regular basis with AM. And, it's really even quite possible that my cat wanted the affection like I did. So, the moral of this story is: If a truth is simple enough that my cat gets it, then I should be able to expect a rationale, reasoning human being to get it without me having to beg and plead for understanding.

If you're tempted to offer me sympathy, don't. I really don't need it. I'm just realizing how skewed I let the truth get in order to keep peace with one person. God, I hope I never do that again!


Kathryn said...

Thank God for cats, and for teaching us stuff in unexpected ways. And a hug for you ((Linda))

Unknown said...

You're a smart cookie with a smart cat.

APStraight said...


Yankee T said...

I feel certain you won't do that again.

JM said...

what yankee T said. because we'd kick your ass. or, at least I would.

thewayseeker said...

What JM said.

Linda said...

Ass-kicking appreciated if I ever do something that stupid again. Thanks.

jo(e) said...

It's moments of clarity like this that help ensure you won't go ever go back to that kind of relationship.

I like that you are recording some of these moments. I put stuff like this in my monastery journal just to ensure that I will reread it twice each year. Sometimes I need those reminders ....

Susan Olson said...

cats rock.

susan said...

You and your cat are a good team--and with that kind of clarity, you'll make a good team with someone else again if you want to.

SassyFemme said...

You won't do it again, you know the difference now, and you know what you want/need.

I love how cats totally sense what we need and when we need it!